Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Thing 7 Podcasts

Although I found it interesting, we don't use podcasts at work because we have other stuff we use.  I personally don't use that sort of thing at all, so I'm afraid you won't find a homemade podcast on here.  I have however looked at others, have to admit I found the "circulating ideas" too American.

I can see the use of them & if I felt I would use them I would into them deeper, but at this stage that's not going to happen.  They would be a good educational tool, for some people, but we have a new "streaming" system & I need to get my head around that.

Sorry this is a short blog, but for now I am going to pass on this.

Thing 6 Reflective Practice

Now I should be able to do this as I'm in the middle of my Chartership & the big thing is reflective writing.  However that's what I find hard!!! But I'll give it a go.

I have actually enjoyed reading other peoples blogs - I was worried they'd freak me out & make me feel inadequate, even though people have viewed my blogs, I've only had 1 comment & that was about a Dalek!!! Many people have said similar things to me though, & I don't feel quite so daft.  I do maybe need to try to add some whizzy things like pictures though, but I'll see how I go.

The first part of the course has been interesting, although I've had to play catch up a bit with daring to take leave in the middle of it!!  It has made me bring Linkedin out of mothballs, I don't know why I don't use it, maybe because I'm not really confident with it.  I occasionally dib in, but I will try to look more often now. 

When I clicked on the link for the Delicious page it came up with a gaming site, so I'm not sure whose fault that is - work or the link!!!

Right I've nearly caught up now, time to move onto Thing 7 .........
Oh look I managed to add a photo!!! Maybe I can do this!

Thing 5 - Online networks

As a regular user of both Facebook and Twitter this wasn't too much of a trial.  My only problem was finding a list in Twitter, but that was because of our archaic computer system at work which is using a browser miles out of date, so it threw me out.  I will however try again at home. 

I'm looking forward to a #rudai23 twitter chat, I find those very useful. 

I think Facebook is a good professional tool, we use it at work to try & reach the students & draw them into the LRC - as we do Twitter.  We also use twitter for each of the subject areas - using the hashtag, to let them know when any new resources are in - books, e-books etc.  I still enjoy Facebook as a fun & social tool, but I can see & do use both sides of it.

I have ploughed through the list of  Facebook groups for Librarians & just don't know where to start - there's so many I want to link up to!!  Anyone got any advice please on which are the best & how many to join as I don't want to get too bogged down!!  Thanks


Before this "Thing" I knew nothing about Hangout.  I have always used Skype,  but to be honest I found this one really interesting & I learnt a lot.  As we are going to have to deliver most of our sessions on-line,  this looks really interesting and the students may be more into Google features than we are.  I was able to chat to my partner, but as yet I no other connections on Hangout. 

I have always used Google as a search engine, and I knew there were other "strings to it's bow"  However I never realised just how much more there is.  I found it really interesting & look forward to connecting up with other users.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Linkedin and My personal brand.

I have been on Linkedin for a while, but never really use it much.  I am hoping that now I will use it more professionally and develop a good professional network.  I struggled to join the Rudai 23 group to begin with as I tried to find it from Linkedin, but had to resort to using the link from the Blog as it didn't come up.

My personal brand is very personal to me.  I hate with an absolute passion having my photo taken.  Therefore all my photos are either of my late dog Jess, on my personal things like Facebook etc, or a Dalek on my work things.  The students think it's great that their Librarian's photo is of a Dalek, it makes me seem more real to them in a strange way - I'm normal (well I think  am)!!!.I have never taken a selfie in my life & will continue to avoid doing so as long as possible.

As regards searching myself of Google.  All seems well, & no impostors yet as far as I can see.

Back to Linkedin to see what else is on there .........................

Monday, 13 July 2015

How I became a librarian

I started life as a teacher in a special needs school in Doncaster.  Although my main subject was music, i started to diversify and became more specialised in language needs using Makaton as my base.  However after 10 years I decided this was not my chosen career path & left.

I didn't know what I wanted to do at first, but on a trip to my local library, there was an advert on the counter for a relief library assistant.  "Great!" I thought, "now that's something I'd love to  do!".  So I applied & got it.  After my first day on the job, I knew I loved it.  Eight months later I got a full time job in the Central Library & settled down to life a a library assistant.  I loved the fact that every day was different, I spent time in the main library, the music library and the children's library.  I even had the odd day in the reference & local history library.  My days as a teacher drew me more & more into the children's library & after four years I got the job as Library assistant in charge of the children's library.

That was the best six years ever, I loved all the different things I did down there, such as story-times, activities, school visits, helping with homework etc.  and it was during this time, that I decided to become a Professional Librarian.  I had a meeting with the head of the library service & although I had to pay myself, she was more than happy to give me day release.  So three years later I was a qualified librarian, but there was no qualified post for me.  So I had to start applying elsewhere.

So I can became an Early Years Librarian with SureStart.  Very different, it was fun, but had it's moments.  Part of my role was to establish a new early years library, which took over 3 years to build as it turned out & then someone new took over the children's centres & six months later he closed it saying there was no need for an early years library! So after four years I was job hunting again.

I was lucky enough to get a job as Subject Librarian at Doncaster College where i have been for six and a half years & for the most part have really loved it.  We have just had a restructure in the last month & I had to be interviewed for my post, but I'm still here & I really am so pleased that I am.  The job has changed, but it's a new era for the College LRC & it's a case of wait & see what the future holds.