The benefits are great in that you meet a lot of like minded people from different professional backgrounds. You can share ideas, gain a lot of advice and it's a wonderful chance to Network. We have at least one day school a year and if we have the funds 2 a year - although that doesn't happen as often these days. At the day schools you get another chance of networking & meeting lots of new people.
Being a member of CILIP means I am kept up to date with all things Library related. It looks good on your CV! CILIP also offer some really good training, the only problem with it is most takes place in London and is expensive, so those of us up North miss out quite a lot. But I have been to CILIP headquarters a couple of times.
I would recommend joining the committee of whichever interest group is suitable for you, as I'm sure you will gain much from it.
The twitter feed for YLG is @youthlibraries and for the Yorkshire branch it's @YLGYorksHumber.

ReplyDeleteDefinitely good advice there about joining committees. You get a much deeper experience that way, and you get a chance to influence what the organisation gets up to as well.
The Rudai23 Team