Bad time of year this, I'm getting a bit behind, such is the joys of working in an academic library with all the students returning!!
We did a course at work about Google documents a few years ago & I remember thinking then what a useful tool it was. However for some reason it drifted by the wayside & I had completely forgotten about it, I suppose that happens when you don't use something regularly. If I'm honest, I'm not sure I do anything where using it would be all that useful, i.e. I don't jointly work on projects where it would be useful. That doesn't mean I will never use it. and this Thing has reminded me about it & I will try & remember it in future. I am going to bring it up at our next team meeting to see what the others think, just in case.
I have never used Doodle as we use the Outlook calendar for meetings etc & it's a college wide thing so we have no choice. Again it is something I will keep in mind if ever I do change jobs.
When this course is finished there is so much I am going to have another look at and do some more reading. It really is very useful.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know about how I use Google Docs in a non-collaborative way, in case you think it's no good because you don't have that particular use case for it: I use Docs to write up assignments on my work PC, and then when I'm at home, I just log into my Google account on my laptop and the documents is there waiting for me, ready to carry on writing. So, I'm using it more for its "cloud" function than for sharing with others (although I do share some stuff too).
The Rudai23 Team.
Ah! now that's a good idea!
ReplyDeleteAh! now that's a good idea!